Co-owners Garrett and Windy, the Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) enjoying the garden together.
Who WE Are
Raised Bed Rescue was created in 2019 from an observation. That the majority of local urban raised beds went mostly unused during the vital spring planting window. Some seen in disrepair, others overgrown with weeds it was time to fix this problem and by doing so help others fast forward to the enjoyable parts of gardening.
Garrett who’s family roots originated from farmers in Alabama and in SW Oregon took the initiative to establish Raised Bed Rescue. By day he works in the tech industry creating for fortune 500 companies, but come the evenings and weekends he spends most of his time in the garden, or planning for the next growing season.
Windy earned her name by falling from her nest due to a brutal windstorm that occurred during wildfire season. Numerous attempts were made to entice mother back to baby Windy during those rough nights, to no avail. With no wildlife shelter able to take her the choice was an easy one, rehabilitate her back to health. She’s been a unique addition to the family and company ever since. For business transparency sake, she is paid well in Graham Crackers, her favorite treat.